9:00AM Sunday Adult Study Groups
We believe it’s important to know the message of the Bible so FCC offers a variety of adult study groups to meet the needs of different people. The content of the classes range from a study through the Bible to a topical study to an informal question and answer type of Bible discussion.
Topical Bible Study - Room 303
Studying the Bible one book at a time.
Gal’s Class- Fellowship Hall
We come together to study topics pertinent to being a woman of God.
Deep Dive Bible Study- Room 405
This class follows the International Sunday School Curriculum schedule.
We believe it’s important to know the message of the Bible so FCC offers a variety of adult study groups to meet the needs of different people. The content of the classes range from a study through the Bible to a topical study to an informal question and answer type of Bible discussion.
Topical Bible Study - Room 303
Studying the Bible one book at a time.
Gal’s Class- Fellowship Hall
We come together to study topics pertinent to being a woman of God.
Deep Dive Bible Study- Room 405
This class follows the International Sunday School Curriculum schedule.